The Face Behind The Biz- lets get to know each other! Xx

Hello Little Moo Family!

I'm Danielle, the new owner of Little Moo Baby Boutique for those who didn't see my introduction post a while back!

I thought I would share a little of my background so we can get to know each other and how I've ended up falling in love and owning Little Moo.

I had been a Dental Nurse for 8 years before becoming a Mum in June 2021. I loved dental nursing, but deep down I knew when I was pregnant, that my Dental Nursing chapter was coming close to an end.

People often tell you that motherhood changes you, and boy are they right. You definitely have less time in general, but especially for things that don't fill your cup. You have less time for people that dont make an effort with you, and less time for the little unnecessary stresses life can throw your way. Motherhood really puts things into perspective for you, and makes you think about how you want to be spending your time, who with, and why. (Well for me anyway)

Even though I knew my Dental Nursing days were over, I didn't know what was next! I had my beautiful baby girl Piper, in June 2021 and what a whirlwind life has been since then. The utter joy she brings to my little family is indescribable.

I was busy, busy learning how to parent, how to look after a tiny helpless human, how to multitask like I never have before, how to share my time with all my loved ones around me, how to look after myself with whatever time I had left, how to love my new body, and how to be the best Mum I could be.

After these 'newborn' days, I found myself thinking occasionally about the next chapter. Whats next for me? I wasn't sure, and while I most certainly am a planner, I was content with the thought that I simply didn't know what was next.

The opportunity came up for me to be the new owner of Little Moo, and what seemed like an idea or a thought soon became a reality. I knew this was fitting for me. I LOVE baby decor, I LOVE socialising with people, I LOVE organizing, I LOVE anything aesthetically pleasing, and I LOVE babies.

This next chapter is about me doing something I love, filling my happy cup, working hard, meeting new people, and learning and growing along the way.

I'm here for all of you, mums, new mums, soon to be mums, trying mums, and all you gorgeous people that just love Little Moo!

Follow me along my journey of learning how to balance Mum life, work life, and everything in between.

I'll be sending out emails along the way including product information, sales, discount codes and also some thoughts, tips, tricks, ideas, recipes and hacks.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to my new Little Moo family. You are all appreciated!